
Release Dates
Patreon: March 13th   <-Now Available!!
Public: April

New Content
-New Species; Arachne
-New Items; Monster Dough, Monster Treat, Chocolate Monster Dough, Chocolate Monster Treat, Arachne Cum, Spider Silk, Thread
-New Attack; Sling Web
-Added a new combat status; Slowed (movement speed is decrease, and time between attacks is increased)
-A new item Monster Treats which extends the duration that visitors stay for when consumed
-Arachne Cum can be used to create Silk which will be used to create clothes later, but for now it's a higher value sellable
-Moth Cum can be used to create Thread which will also be used in clothes once they're added

-Arachne start with Sling Web, but Moths and Honeybees can also learn it
-Bananas and Cacao Beans are now sellable
-Grass seed can now be crafted at the Workbench
-Testing out allowing rotation of decor placement at 45 degree increments instead of 90
-Added Learnable Moves to many Species that were missing them
-Testing out a new system where certain combinations of Monsters will result in certain species variants reliably. The combination I'm testing out to start is Golem and Dragon which should always produce a Lava Golem regardless of time of year
-Metal Fences (automatic) no longer block navigation, since Monsters only wander within their Pens now, this allows the Autocleaner to move between Pens with automatic gates

Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bunch of instances of the player having sex with Monsters causing their features to take on incorrect rotations, disconnecting them from their bodies
-Fixed a glitch where single battles in the Arena were resetting and opening the entry menu every time they were started
-Fixed a glitch where the cursor was hovering above tiles near the edge of the map, preventing working on tiles in the effected area
-Fixed an incidental error with the Weed Whacker where the camera was scrolling while in use
-Fixed a glitch with teleporters after the Pay Debt event. If the event was started in player mode and shops were accessed before returning to the garden after the event, a reference to the player was being lost preventing the teleports from working
-Fixed a UI bug in the Arena where some screen elements were not aligning properly
-Fixed a glitch where the message about defeating a feral monster was hiding the cursor
-Fixed a glitch in the pay debt event when entered from god mode, the cursor and any tool which was equipped was visible behind the scene
-Fixed a glitch in player mode where Monster details were not displaying correctly, this was also causing a large frame drop during the bug
-Fixed a glitch where hovering an empty item slot was resetting the inventory to the beginning
-Fixed a glitch where Harem Monsters and Contract Offer Monsters could spawn as futanari despite the setting to block them being turned on
-Fixed a glitch which was giving Werebats and Werewolves a blank move
-Fixed a glitch that may have caused f*tanari Fawns from appearing properly when visiting
-Fixed a glitch where using the shortcut (B by default) to access the Encyclopedia was bringing up the wrong Monster page for species added after Greater Succubus
-Fixed a glitch where visitor Moths were loading in with no texture and the wrong eyes
-Fixed a glitch where Moths encyclopedia entry was showing an old requirement to become Resident, and the Monster was also checking for the old requirement
-Fixed a glitch which was always causing Werebats to T-pose during sex with another Harpy skeleton (Harpy, Thunderbird, Werebat)
-Fixed a glitch preventing combat particle effects like Poison from clearing after battle

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